Last time we talked about several voltage values u200bu200bof axial film
capacitors, namely the relationship between rated working voltage, test voltage and breakdown voltage. Today we talk about the absorption phenomenon of axial film capacitors. The so-called absorption phenomenon of the axial film capacitor refers to the phenomenon that the capacitor is slowly polarized due to the dielectric used, which causes the axial film capacitor to have a time lag in the working process, that is, during the charging and discharging process. The axial film capacitor was not fully charged during the time it was supposed to be fully charged; while the capacitor was not discharged during the time it was supposed to be fully charged. This is the absorption phenomenon of axial film capacitors. So what is the slow polarization phenomenon of the dielectric used in the capacitor? The so-called polarization phenomenon means that under the action of the electric field applied to both ends of the axial film capacitor, the dielectric of the capacitor appears macro dipole moment along the direction of the electric field, and bound charges appear on the dielectric surface of the axial film capacitor, making the charge unable to be timely To be full or to be released is the phenomenon of polarization. For more details, please call the toll-free hotline: 400629913. The value used to describe the absorption phenomenon of the axial film capacitor is called the absorption coefficient, which is referred to as Ka. The smaller the Ka, the weaker the polarization phenomenon of the dielectric, the smaller the binding of the dielectric to the charge, the weaker the absorption phenomenon of the capacitor, and the faster the capacitor can complete the charging and discharging process. Conversely, the larger the Ka, the stronger the absorption phenomenon of the capacitor, and the more difficult it is for the capacitor to complete the charging and discharging process of the capacitor.
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