The product is best known for its hygienic performance. During the manufacturing process, non-toxic germicidal substances have been used to prevent the generation of mold and smell. The electrolyte inside the product is not volatile, which contributes to relieving the pressure in the sealed environment
The product is safe to use. It has passed tests that aim to check the amount of harmful substance contained in its materials, such as GB 18580, GB 18581, GB 18583, and GB 18584. The product features high- and low-temperature resistance
radial can capacitor
It has a fast speed for charging and discharging. It's been proved that the ultra-high voltage can reach 750V. The product is highly resistant to high voltage.
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Taking radial can capacitor as its background, radial can capacitor is characterized by radial can capacitor. Made of the latest composite materials, it features high-temperature resistance
It can function normally even under low temperature and high pressure The main components of radial can capacitor are imported products.
With its properties like radial can capacitor, radial can capacitor occupy a magnificent place in the radial can capacitor market.
radial can capacitor tend to be radial can capacitor than other brands. Its surface is not to get rusty
The special composition of radial can capacitor makes it obtain good performances like radial can capacitor. It is popular for its good heat-insulated performance
The product is characterized by user-friendliness. It is created under the combined concepts of user comfort and easy maneuverability. Its accessories, imported from Japan, Germany, Japan, are reliable and high-precision