
Shenmao Capacitors specialized in aluminum electrolytic capacitors from 1970

Domestic electronic components electric business platform classification and important platform for analysis

by:Shenmao     2021-01-05
The foregoing: electric business platform for electronic components have mushroomed in recent years, and flourish everywhere. Funds and the players are looking for 'prey', hope to be able to take on electronic components + the train on the Internet. But domestic electric business platform lack late start, limited financial strength, technology strength, weak hardware configuration and high cost, low profit under the factors such as money as much as other industries do not a burning fire. Differ in thousands ways of component category and type many, the user demand, the price is very sensitive, overpriced couldn't answer the single, underpricing is unprofitable, the operation of the platform and various inputs is very high, it makes electricity became a looks good, but there is very hard. Very glad our domestic platform in this enormous difficulties choose to do, to try something different is trying to find a suitable way of 'domestic'. The courage of these platforms are worth us to praise, whatever success or failure, all contributing to the road to China components electricity, are worthy of respect. 电子元器件电商平台众多,即将普遍共识为以下几大分类:1。 Cross type electric business platform with the following a variety of forms of electricity, fusion to provide customers with services in the past two years the emerging electric business mode, is the domestic various new exploration technology, capital, talent team. 大家都知道电子元器件是一个万美元级别的市场,就连小样品体量缝补年千美元级别。 Is there any piece ready is impending. On behalf of the platform has a large core city, it launched a proprietary samples + batch match pattern, which cater to the current situation of domestic and characteristics; 代理品牌商有固定适中大型客吾,仓库备有大量现值,批量价格优势及帐期谦让支持其获得顾客吾长期订单。 But the agent for small sample and small batch order service is insufficient seriously enough. Big city core is good enough to cut into the market, proprietary samples for research and development, purchasing, engineering solved the proofing material requirements. 批量速配由代理商奉行将库资的确直接放驻平台显示,用户下单后,系统自动将订单发奖金代理商确认,减少了沟通环节,解决了中小企业订单杂,金额小、型号多交期短等特点。 Is equivalent to the big league scattered real order summary to the agent. 2. 门户平台初级模式,相当于公司网站,备齐引流做用中国电商的最初级模式,因采收技术、资过程、资源的极度不对称,当时电商更多的是成长为大型企业一个资讯展示窗口,实时水平无法交易,提供用于其作为吸户流量次归线下传统销售。 Typical representative has a lot of, domestic well-known division TongXin city such as the United States listed. Because of its own factory agent for many brands, and sales, such as large influence innate factors, the price of the platform and inventory information become sensitive, choice of drainage line is a kind of smart and no resistance. Of course, as long as any one company will manage the company's main business is worth people respect, in this regard, secco TongXin city has been very successful. 3. Information platform for foreign companies to trade business information display, satisfy business propaganda drainage also an early test of the Chinese electricity, gets the information sharing platform for successful stimulation such as alibaba, electronic components are in the process of information display platform, there is the famous d library network, huaqiang network, such as the model as a platform to partners charge an annual fee, let merchants showed the inventory information on the platform, the user need to check the model line by phone or QQ contact businesses, contributed to the deal. Many years ago due to the electronic components has experienced the asymmetric information, insufficient resources, the merchant original hype, so information platform was very popular. 现任了点资讯极度透明,竞争白热,化这种资的确展示效果全场tx也大杆折扣。 … 4. 奉行自营商城将自宫库货物驻平台上展示水平弦立即交易是将货物招聘购回自家仓库后分清楚阶梯价格放驻平台上售卖,以获取利润的方式。 这是最后传统辨析基础上,电商方式能确保用户采购的交付时生效,妈妈真正奉行货物库状况反映实性。 But the downside is to high capital requirements, to inventory management, software and technical personnel and configuration also requires very high. A typical such as trade, jersey, to express on behalf of the enterprise. Domestic made a mall is doing one of the most successful proprietary shopping mall and, of course, they are now seeking breakthrough in all-round, including mergers and acquisitions, introducing EDA software industry investors tianhe magnitude. 5. Act as purchasing agency platform to help users to foreign purchasing components produced in China should be a kind of accident is the inevitable process of fake goods, the existence of the shortage of domestic manufacturing enterprises prefer to buy in trade on the jersey material, bear for 7 days or so delivery, also don't want to buy cheap material of domestic spot. The destruction of the confidence needed many years of time to heal. River core city was born at this moment, the large portal components listed abroad to their platforms, help the user to buy components from abroad, but the profit is not high, namely can use original abroad reputation for their gold, to determine the effect is very obvious, quickly become a domestic act as purchasing agency.
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