Capacitors are relatively common electronic components. There are many
capacitor products on the market, and there are also many manufacturers specializing in the production of capacitors. Different manufacturers have different strengths. If you want to buy a capacitor, you must understand the basic situation of the capacitor, such as the size of the capacitor. So how large is the capacitance of a capacitor? What are the factors affected? 1. Type of capacitor How large is the capacitance of a capacitor? Different types of capacitors are determined during production and design. This cannot be changed, such as super The capacitance of the capacitor is very large, and the capacitance of the general capacitor is limited. The type of capacitor depends not only on the design, but also on the material used. 2. The environment when the capacitor is used. How large is the capacitance of the capacitor? There are requirements for the environment when the capacitor product is used. The requirements for the environment include humidity, temperature, etc. If the humidity is too high, it will affect the service life of the capacitor and may affect the capacitance. If the temperature of the capacitor is too high, it will affect the service life of the capacitor. 3, the frequency of use of the capacitor Although the capacitance of the capacitor product is fixed during the production design, in fact, if the capacitor is used for a long time, the service life of the capacitor will be shortened. Therefore, when using capacitors, they must be used correctly and not overused to avoid premature aging. Generally speaking, the general capacitance of a capacitor is actually uncertain. Different types of capacitors have different capacitances, and the environment and frequency of the use of the capacitors will also affect the capacitance of the capacitors. When using the capacitor, be sure to use it in accordance with the instructions and precautions.
Shenzhen Shen MaoXin Electronics Co., Ltd. has famous reputation in worldwide.
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The unique connections between electrolytic capacitormanufacturing and customers happen when you find ways to relate on a more personal and engaging level that goes beyond a product.
Increasing consumer awareness and rising concern about improving electrolytic capacitor suppliers are driving the market of products.